Friday, October 29, 2010

Birth is Womens Business

Men should stay out of it.

No Uterus No Opinion.

OBS should work only got midwives and partner WITH women. It should be no other way. Women can make decisions with both aspects being presented AS its needed. IF a dr has a low risk women she should be with a a midwife has a high risk woman she should be seen collaboratively with an OB.

Im not sure why this isnt the way it is.


It just seems to get worse. How women are treated in this society. Being in the field of maternity care I see a lot of disresepct from outright lies, misinformation and verbal attacks and if a Dr brings in security guards to intimidate a women it is physical attacks in threat. Isnt this assault? Dont we arrest people who threaten people wit physical harm if they dont do as they are told? Isnt this Wrong on all levels? or are pregnant women and women in generally less deserving of being treated right.

I firmly believe its because we fight and promote womens rights-- when we promote rights like Animal rights, childrens rights, disabled people rights--they are a group who cannot speak for themselves or unable to explain their feelings or have different issues-- so if you put womens rights in that list-- we are not considered fully human otherwise we would not need womens rights. We would practice the same rights men have without pause or question. We would not have MEN giving US rights...because when we allow someone to give us something they can take it back ANYFUCKINGTIME!! The mental understanding is "Shut up bitch cause we will give you what we want to and it wont be free!!"

We are humans..we own our own bodies and we dont need fucking rights given to us by a woman hating culture and certainly not from fucking crazy religious nuts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Those who cross my path

I meet a lot of people. Work. Play. and even minding my own business. Many different personalities and beliefs and goals and levels of getting along. I have learned on thing about relationships of any kind--to not hang on to them when its time to let go.
People come into my life for a many reasons-- but its always about me TO me. Yes, i may help someone or be there for someone or even cause change but ultimately for me it is about me.
Why has this person come into my life? Even for a brief moment, I know its about me and what I am suppose to take from this encounter. It could be as simple as I dont need this drama/person/energy in my life right now and can i walk away? to they have shown me a facet of life I did not know about to heart energizing I adore this person forever experiences. When i create boundaries of my own space I will always have those people who try to break those boundaries--am i allowing them to or can i say NO! As I set out my goals in life I will have those people who will try and distract or nay-say my desires--can i out up my hand and say NO! to them? I will have those come to me with love and encouragement and even a night of exquisite love--can i say YES! to them and just allow it to be THAT without demanding it to be more and more?
Looking at each person and what they have to offer me is vital in keeping ME from expecting too much or even blaming myself when I am feeling hurt or rejected or betrayed. Each person is a voice from the Divine/Me signaling me about my life and what I am suppose to be doing. Each person is a physical manifestation of the Divine/Me to guide me, remind me,get my attention and delight me with my own realizations.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


ACOG will start keeping track of all transfers from a HB.
Cause of course they are curious and concerned..and just wanna help.

They sure dont want the public to know THEIR stats and their issues....

Walk for Midwives

On October 3, I will be joining citizens from across our state in the Alabama Birth Coalition’s Walk for Midwives. This special statewide event will raise awareness and funds to help us work for greater access to midwives and better maternity care in Alabama.

You know first-hand how important midwives are to healthy mothers, babies, and families. You know the benefits of care with a midwife:
• Individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care
• Continuous assistance during labor and delivery
• Support of natural, physiologic birth
• Respect for your birth choices
• Postpartum and breastfeeding support
This holistic, evidence-based care is why midwives consistently have such good outcomes for the mothers and babies they serve.

But did you know that not all Alabama families have access to midwives?

Alabama families who wish to deliver out-of-hospital are often surprised and distressed to learn that while they may legally birth out-of-hospital, any midwife they hire to attend them risks prosecution. Families are forced to choose among difficult and limited options. Some find a midwife who is willing to risk prosecution to attend the birth. Some choose to birth in the hospital though they would prefer a midwife. Some travel to birth in states that license midwives. Some give birth unassisted.

Alabama families deserve better birth options than this. That’s why I am walking for midwives.
Will you join me?

There are two ways you can help:
• Come walk with me and many other committed citizens in the Walk for Midwives on October 3. There will be walks in Huntsville, Cullman, and Birmingham – check out ABC’s website for locations and starting times.

• Please sponsor me for the walk by sending a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more today. The Walk for Midwives is part of ABC’s campaign to raise $55,000 to support our vital public policy and educational work. Can you help us reach this goal?

P.S. One generous family has offered to donate $25,000 in matching funds for donations to the Walk for Midwives. That means every dollar you give will be matched, dollar for dollar if you give now!

Please note that donations to the Alabama Birth Coalition are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ignorance abounds

birth at home

The ignorant statements this dr makes is sad.... there is no research to back her stupid thoughts up like babies drowned and how dirty a waterbirth is...

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Big Push

will be in Birmingham. It is a concentrated summit to bring ideas and action to getting midwifery passed as legal in this state.
How to bypass the good ole boys, the religious dogma, the medical misogyny and passive submissiveness of the women in the state. Too often I hear " well my Dr is a Christian so......... In this pause it is a given that ALL is allowed because of a persons religious beliefs. As if being a Christian prevents a dr from EVER emotionally manipulating a woman into giving consent, or that he does not give CS, or episiotomies or inductions unless GOD himself says its ok..... its a copout of being responsible for KNOWING and ACCEPTING how ones birth goes.
Will this Summit help?? I dont know but I think the camaraderie will be nice and a few days with other radical and like minded women WILL be rejuvenating.